Me: Now listen to me, for example, if I take three cans with 1 % mango in each and pour them into a big bottle, It will have the same taste, and it will still be 1 % mango in it.
french dude:
Haha, no no,
Myleen, that makes THREE percent. You have three cans, right.
Me: ... Yes, you have three times the amount of mango, but you also have three times the
amount of the other
liquids in the cans, consequently there is still just one percent mango.
The two other french people: *silence* .... Well, yeah.. she's
right... in THEORY
Maybe it works for DRINKS.. but not for everything
Several frustrating minutes later one of them delivers this killer line
French guy: Okay, it might be logic, but that doesn't apply to real things.
Math has got nothing to do with reality.
I spent the rest of the evening being upset about this enormous ignorance, so vast that it doesn't even see itself.
Of course all previous lines were delivered in french, and of course I was not quite so eloquent.
peu importe.