After this we were verbally attacked by an old man. Some of the causes for his annoyed state seemed to have been green pants, and the general rudeness of standing there. Youngsters these days. No manners what so ever.
Other than this, my days have consisted of roaming the endless corridors of Internet, and occasionally watching some crappy show on TV, just to give me the feeling of doing something slightly different.
The series and films I have... acquired (ahem) are as follows:
Notes on a Scandal - Interesting film. The subject was very original and fascinating. The acting was very good, and Kate Blanchet was extraordinarily beautiful.
Dexter - Series. Criminal. Which would have scared me off, if it weren't for the fact that the lead is played by someone who also plays in my all time favourite series Six feet Under. And also the fact that someone I trust to have good taste assured me that I must see it. He was right. It is a very ambitious, different and beautiful creation.
Texhnolyze - An anime. I watched the first episode, and it left me in quite a state of confusion. They hardly said a word during the whole episode, and honestly I didn't really understand what was happening at all. It was however very interesting both from a aesthetic and conceptual point of view. I will not give up.
The Holiday - Please forgive me. I was terribly bored. And Jude Law was in it. Don't hate me.
Shrek 3 - I was planning on going to see it at the cinema, but then I read that it was supposed to be bad, and I didn't have anyone to go with anyway. It was entertaining enough. The cat in boots is enough reason to see it anyway. How I love him. If I was.. a cat. Who knows what would have happened.
Fur - A fictional portrait of Diane Arbus. - It caught my interest when I saw a poster. Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr. It must have something, I thought. It turned out to be a portrait, but as the title implies, not very correct, about the famous photographer Diane Arbus. I knew a little about her, but not her name. She is most known for her portraits of "freaks" and such. (One of her most famous, and brilliant pictures below). It was beautifully shot, and well acted. But somewhat strange. Perhaps due to the fact that the talented Robert Downey Jr was covered in fur during 90 % of the film. If you wish to know more, see it.
I find myself still surprised and uncertain about the americans' liberal approach towards pot.
I also downloaded Garden State. But it is too important. I will save it for a better time. It deserves it.