I, however, justify the creation of this blog by the request i received from my friends (You of course realise, dear friends, that you are now obliged to read and comment everything i produce). The main reason for me thinking it was a good idea to start a blog, was that I am now leaving my home country Sweden, and hence, most of my friends and acquaintances for 9 months.
At this very moment, I am in Kristianstad, and will remain for roughly a week. My mood is happy, due to the fact that I am, as I am writing, on a comfortably fast connection, on my own laptop. What else can you desire? Concerning the upcoming trip to France, and my new home, I feel as though I should be nervous, but I haven't really thought about it properly...
But perhaps it is for the best, to simply have an open mind, see what happens and try to make the best of the situation. (Dear, I sound like some quasi wise old woman)
Recent event worth noticing is my brand new driving licence that i acquired last Friday, which was also the day that I bid Eksjö goodbye. I spent the evening, at the splendid, annual event, directly translated into Eksjö City Party (hah). The company, consisting of mainly Karin and Caspar, sporadically also the Priest, and mister Follow your Heart was lovely. (I am glad to hear that you and Abdullah agree on such an important matter, Karin) ((for more details, please visit Karin's blog, linked to the right)) (((And yes, I just invented the double and triple brackets)))
Even though the vast majority of the people there had passed their best years already, and my cruising for familiar faces was a slight failure, I feel quite content, and Eksjö and High school are now behind me.
Karin, Clara & A-K, I will
You will be closer to my hometown than what I am at the moment. (slightly envy Myleen)
Sorry Myleen that i didnt before now have time to read your (wonderful!) blogg properly. And what can I say? I am happy that you are happy that I and Abdullah agree. And I will ofcourse leave a comment. I hope you will continue to do the same. And for the readers that listened to Myleens advice-i will start to write in english if thats your wish but i cant say that i write as good as my dear friend.
finally i just want to wish you good luck in france and im sure you have the best way of thinking. Hash things over and to worry nothing to attain. nice photo by the way. it isnt me in the red hat to the right.
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