Dear diary...
I have spent a week on a "on arrival seminar" for people who are doing EVS in France. It was situated in an isolated centre, just by the sea, some kilometres from Montpelier.
I was happy that I was leaving, because I felt I needed to get some distance to my life here at the Foyers.
It turned out fantastic. There were 28 people between 18 and 27, from 15 countries, who are currently doing EVS in France. Most of them spoke french on a level similar to mine, somewhat higher for some, and 2 -3 people didn't speak french at all. Mostly we spoke french, and the funny thing is that it is so much easier to understand foreigners speaking french than native speakers, since they tend to use simple grammar and vocabulary... This led me into the illusion of actually being able to understand and speak french very well. Until I came back here of course.. "Pardon..?" "J'ai pas entendu... " "Quoi?" All over again..
Anyway.. (Excuse my random and spontaneous use of language.. I am tired)
I had a fabulous time, talking to all these different people from different countries. I tell you, that EVS volunteers are generally very nice people. If you have any in your town or surroundings, make friends with them for heaven's sake!
I also got to speak swedish, since there was a Norwegian girl. That felt good. My brain was a mess though, when I switched between speaking Swedish, french, english and attempts to speak spanish and italian. In the end I couldn't control which language would pour out of my mouth when I opened it.
My Swedish soul couldn't believe it's eyes when I swam in the ocean in October, and found the temperature... pleasant.
Now to something completely different (gold star to the one who identifies the origin of this quote)
My dear and most intelligent friend Fabio wrote a wonderful respons to my latest entry. If you are interested, please see what he had to say on the subject of music and evolution:
Monty Python!
But it is "And now for something completely different".
Monty Python rules!
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