Monday, June 09, 2008


So, that was it.
It's finished.

No more volunteer. No more long nights surrounded by Russian boys.
I had some nice moments. I learned a lot. I'm very happy with my decision to do this, but I'm so darn relieved it's over.

I've spent some time with my parents, who came over to get some of my stuff.
Conques, Montpellier, Avignon, and I returned to Rodez and pont du gard. I refused to go into monoprix.

This weekend I took the train to Toulouse, after an invitation from mr metalhead Vincent, whose group were playing in a concert/festival. Was an eventful weekend, with people of different genres, most of which were rather agreeable.

I realized that there really is a difference in culture after all, every time I asked for the way, or whatnot on the street, briefly explaining the way was not enough for the toulousians, no, they explain two or three times, while smiling broadly.
Gosh, they're so.. nice. Silly word, but it seems suitable.

I was also struck by how easy it is sometimes, this social thing, when I was at the concert, went up to a member of a group I had really enjoyed and told him exactly that. This, after about 45 seconds lead to a "Tu veux une bière?" and more or less the rest of the evening in their company, and some half serious plans about creating a new music constellation, including a flute. It sounds af if I think it's super awesome cool to hang out with bands, but that's not at all my point, the thing that amazes me is how people somehow manage to put you at ease, and communicate so unforced and sincerely.

In little more than two weeks the long awaited exchange will take place. I have doubts about the quality of the theater, but none concerning the amusement of the participants, and creation of new friendships. Always something to look forward to.
One day after the exchange, I will, If everything goes according to plans, take my stuff and head to le Château Servayrie, where I will be more or less totally isolated during two months. But I will get some money, and have some time to read, compose, walk in the beautiful landscape, and all other things I've been meaning to do, but never get around to.

After that, I have no fucking idea.

Which is actually pretty cool, in a way.


K Hanna said...

Oh vilken glad överaskning! Myleen, vad fint, gillar din stil!

K said...

Summer's got some sun.

Sun is hard tenderness.