Monday, July 07, 2008


Yesterday one of the most exhausting weeks of my life came to an end.
The youth exchange titled "Knowing Your Neighbours" was not the pleasant success I had hoped for.
It was a constant war.
However, as the right says, wars are necessary. Though I may be opposed to this idea from a political point of view, I can still agree that concflicts and problems may teach you a lesson.
I am tempted to draw the conclusion "I will never ever again organize anything", which is of course preposterous, so the next in line is "I will only organize things with good friends or people who share my goals and working methods", but this doesn't seem quite rational either, in the long run. I guess I'll just have to learn to cooperate.

However, as every youth exchange, the week was also filled with happy encounters, and enthusiastic romances. And I watched it all with a comfortable detachment, and fair amount of pride.

Today, I leave the foyer, after more than 10 months in this building. My feelings could be summed up in two words; Thank God.
I made a brief visit to my new home earlier today, leaving all my stuff in a tolerable but smelly room in the Hostellerie Fontanges. I am at least pleased that I will not have to share it.

I am curious to see how I will handle a real job, and even more so to see how I will manage to get up at 6 a.m. every day...


Myleen discovering that life is a struggle

1 comment:

K Hanna said...

Mmmbop pop popo mmbop
You gonna do just fine only by beeing you