Wednesday, September 26, 2007

*Tries to Think of Something That Doesn't Sound Hopelessly Emo but Fails*

I just discussed this issue with someone and it so important to me that I felt the need to vent it here also.

Yesterday, I was listening to music on my computer. Shuffle as usual. Suddenly this song starts playing - How to Disappear Completely by Radiohead. (Just the title is worth dying for)
And it hit me so hard. I don't want to seem like an.. a-hem... emo-kid. But my God, did it hurt.
And it is not because I have any special associations to this song, nor is it because of the lyrics. If you haven't heard it already, please listen (there is a link above).
There is this high note, floating above the rather average chords, which by conventional measures do not "fit" musically. But it has an astonishing effect. It adds this amazing edge, like a sharp knife, and interacts in a new and completely surprising way with each chords. And it hurts so bad.

If you read my previous post, I was talking about the conflict between my logical and "romantic" (in the wide sense, not really referring to love or such) part. This is a thing that my logical part can not understand. At all. How can a combination of sound frequencies invoke an emotional reaction, so strong that it is on the verge of physical. How is this possible? How does this facilitate the recreation of my genes?(It sounds rather funny but it is a serious question) What the hell IS music anyway? Is it perhaps just a odd side effect to something that actually has an explainable purpose?


Anonymous said...

bra låt, indeed


Anonymous said...

Hejsvej! har suttit och tänkt på nåt bra eller intressant att skriva hur länge som helst nu, men jag vet faktiskt inte varför jag inte kan... jag menar, jag förstår vad du menar, men kanske inte kan relatera till det riktigt. jag känner inte alls lika starkt som dig när jag lyssnar på låten, exempelvis. jag kan förstås bli väldigt uppslukad av musik, men då är det oftast någon annan händelse som spelar in, exempelvis om jag är nere och lyssnar på en ledsam låt = stark upplevelse.
men hur som helst, det psykosomatiska är ju så jämrans intressant och konstigt... att saker i ens huvud kan ha sådan effekt en, fysiskt. the human mind is a powerful thing? =o du får komma in på msn imorgon tycker jag. det är måndag. då finns det ändå inget att göra...!

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